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I guess that you are incapable to face the challenge. It is often a sign of insecurity and lack of confidence. This reminds me a Chinese student I encountered when I was doing campus recruiting at a Canadian

university. The language of his resume didn't seem impressive but the content. As a fellow Chinese I thought that why didn't give him a chance? He might be a qualified candidate. He disappointed me completely in the first interview. While pretending to know everything, he could neither write a short business report nor speak proper English. He was out of course. The sad thing is that some kids like you deny the fact that they're not well rounded at all. You are still a little cub. Being modest, humble and willing to learn will lift you to a higher level. Credits and marks don't guarantee you anything. Real ability does. This is a real world-brutal and fair.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / English / 很多人喜欢在这里用英文, 但我基本上是不看中文BBS上的英文. 因为实在太累. 很多都看不懂. 有的好歹从极其离奇的语法猜出点意思. 看来中国人苦练了不10几年的语法, 但写起来真是错误百出. 有的句子看上去就深奥, 也没看
    出毛病了, 就是看不懂, 研究半天后, 奥, 原来是这意思啊, 给我的感觉就是像在现代的中国用白话文表达意思, 也不知道这些高手是从哪里练出这么手高深的英语写法.

    1, 大家还是要苦练英文啊. 2. 中文BBS还是用中文吧.
    • 用英文主要是在没有中文系统时,或用英文写反而简单时
    • 就是要多用 在这练也好
      • 真要练外语还跑这来. 能练出来? 这里可是英语国家啊, 随便找个地方练外语也比在中文BBS上强啊.
        • A cub like you will never be capable to have a good command of English if you have this kind of attitude. If you were smart enough you wouldn't have had difficulties adapting a new life here. The sad reality is
          majority of Chinese immigrants have to work as blue colours due to poor English skills. Some of them have the fear of not being able to speak or write well. So they are reluctant or refuse to write or speak in English whenever possible. Learning a new language takes real efforts, which require you to force yourself to use it as often as you can.
    • 我会的,既练英文又写中文:)
    • 表示深深的

      • 当然啦, 要真正练好英文, 有两个方法, 1. 到学校里练 2. 利用英文媒体练, 如英文电视, 英文书报, 英文BBS, 英文网站, 通过工作, 社交等活动和英语为母语的人多交流. 从纯粹练语言角度来说, 我认为中国人之间用英语交流是没有
        任何帮助的. 结果就是错对错, 洋惊浜对洋惊浜罢了. 绝对学不到纯正的英语的.
        • 我知道,你说的是:"要练英文也别上这里来,上这里来就不练英文",可是你别忘了,如果你真想练英文,最好是时时刻刻讲英文,一句中文不要讲.一天的时间更不要分"练英文时间"和"非讲英文的时间",你说的那些英文场所要去练,在这里也要练.
        • Yep, great! Why did you take 50cents as $ 3.5 and misuse calling card? Simply because you were really poor in English and still are.
    • hoho, "在现代的中国用白话文表达意思", 有何不妥?:P
      • 呵呵, 写错了, 应该是文言文.
    • 你的“BBS”我就没看懂!:-(
      • 哈哈,答的巧,答的妙,答的臭豆腐-------吱吱叫:P
    • Do you mean I just keep silent if I can’t type Chinese, even don’t answer the questions those I know?
    • Whatever you prefer is a personal thing. It's no point to criticize others'. Writing in English on this board is good for those who have the courage to learn.
      • 呵呵, 我没想责怪谁. 只是谈谈我的个人想法, 你也没权干涉我想说什么吧. 我也没有指明道姓说谁. 所以也不用激动. 不过, no offence, 就像你写的英文, 我实在看不出人们可以从中学到什么.
        • Then you really have a LONG WAY TO GO! You lack of the intention to learn, or to do, as far as I am concerned.
          • 哈哈, 你知道我不学英语啊? 每个星期的Essay Assignment够我忙活了. 我写Essay, 老师能给我改,能教我, 能让我进步. 我实在看不出你在这中文论坛上写上那么几句错误百出的英文怎么你的英文就能进步了.
            • Well, you can certainly pick up where I was wrong and how I should correct them. Don’t assume that others don't have schooling at all. A lot of people here have gone through what you are doing now.
            • Your instructor is a smart cookie from Harvard or Yale, isn't he? You are taking your English course at an ESL school, some sort college or university? Poor little thing!
          • 啥语法错误, 用词不当什么的我也就不说了. 你看看你写的那些句子, 每句就是典型的中译英写法. 而学英语中一个很重要的方面就是, 绝对不能照母语翻译. 你这样在中文论坛写上10万句话, 你的英文还是不行.
            • Give us an example and let us see how good you are!
              • 呵呵, 您歇了吧. 我有必要让你来评判我的英文? 我吃饱了啊. 你是能给我学分呢还是能帮我进步啊? 得, 您也别太激动. 你认为你的"英文"好就继续写啊, 我也管不了吧, 我说我的, 你写你的, 咱两互不相干不就得了. 你也别跟我后面乱
                嚷嚷了, 反正不管你再写啥我也是不会再看一眼你写的所谓"英文"的了. 所以你说了也白说. 呵呵.
                • 不说能不能进步吧,反正别人在这里说英语,至少英语不会退步,没坏处嘛
                • I guess that you are incapable to face the challenge. It is often a sign of insecurity and lack of confidence. This reminds me a Chinese student I encountered when I was doing campus recruiting at a Canadian
                  university. The language of his resume didn't seem impressive but the content. As a fellow Chinese I thought that why didn't give him a chance? He might be a qualified candidate. He disappointed me completely in the first interview. While pretending to know everything, he could neither write a short business report nor speak proper English. He was out of course. The sad thing is that some kids like you deny the fact that they're not well rounded at all. You are still a little cub. Being modest, humble and willing to learn will lift you to a higher level. Credits and marks don't guarantee you anything. Real ability does. This is a real world-brutal and fair.
                  • #1006481
                    • Lunch time and enjoy my coffee in the office. Learn how to read the instructions about transfer on the back of TTC ticket. I feel sad for you, kid! You are so incapable to leave in this country!
                    • And pay close attention to your Chinese! There are so many grammar and spelling mistakes in a small passage. Totally hopeless!
                      • 赫赫, 虽然我没看你写了些啥, 但我知道你写了很多. 说明你的打字能力不错. 好, 继续. 你跟我的贴子跟上一个月基本上有希望找到个7块钱一小时的打字员的活了. 努力啊, 同志. 哈哈.
    • 这里的英文帖子我基本不看,特别是那些中篇的。下班回家累死了,睡有心思琢磨那些唧唧歪歪的。要练英语我看电视去效果好多了。
      • 我也一样.
    • 想大声嚷嚷时, 俺用中文; 想小声嘀咕, 俺用英文; 微软拼音比较争气, 俺用中文; 微软拼音和俺较劲, 死活也不出来, 俺只好用英文; 在家用中文, 在外只能用英文...说道学英语那块, 坚决不在中文论坛练习...
    • 如果讲语法,我看大家中文也不要用了,语法错的一塌糊涂的中文句子,嘿嘿。。。。
    • 我也有点反感看人在这里写英文.1.)感觉就象中国人在聊天,有人总是莫名其妙说英语.2.)学习不是有英语角吗.如真是疯狂学英语,也没见什么人在ROLIA晚会上坚持说英文呐.
      • 但有时候电脑没有中文输入法,没办法,虽然我也喜欢用中文,或看中文贴子。
    • 嘿嘿,当俺想表达一个意思而又不希望引起人注意,或怕挨砖头时俺就用英文。
    • 坚持在中文论坛讲中文!象下面rotten那样干干巴巴的英文,实在难以勉强自己看下去。
    • 1: I don't have Chinese input at work. 2. I have Chinese input at home, however I need to copy&paste, also I can't input Chinese&English at the same time. 3. We all are Chinese, we all understand Chinese English.
      • No Chinglish, no English. Let's see tiger5z's juicy English and 臭豆腐-俏鲁达's perfect Chinese. 臭豆腐-俏鲁达 is making progress now. His two postings on this board are pretty good.
    • 接所名逆的应问岁平太擦 !
      • 我觉得你是天津人,对头吗?
        • 我觉得是陕西人
    • Old 3 old 4, I will give you some color to see see!