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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hi,
I wanted to talk to you on yesterday and last night. The yelling is crazy with the young girl as is the tantrums she is throwing.
I understand that she has problems but as a mom as I was a father our kids were and are under control they know right from wrong they know it’s not their house so they respect the people and house and go by the rules.
Last night one of them were in the living room above my room banging on the floor until 5 am and I finally fell asleep only to be woken up at 7:15 am with more noise.
I understand that she says she can’t find a place but there are a number of air b&b’s out there.
Also the cooking all hours at 3 am the smell was terrible and they don’t turn on fans.
I’m sorry to say this all I know yesterday was hard for you especially with the daughter fighting but they are not your responsibility, they pay the rent but should follow the rules and make sure not to make everyone else feel uncomfortable. You are very patient with them and I know most places would have kicked them out for allot less.
I hope you have a great day更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 一泡尿引发的风波




    今早我一睁眼就收到住地下室的那个小胖的投诉短信,说那个女儿折腾了一宿到凌晨5点,半夜被吵醒。我想了想还是决定今天让她们走人,妈妈说去哪儿住呀,我说让你女儿找地方吧。临到最后离开我客栈那个女儿都没说一句道歉的话,刚才还收到这个女儿发给我的一条短信骂我是地球上最智障的人!LOL 就想说一句,是什么样的社会环境教育出酱紫一个有错不认账不懂得道歉的人呢?!


    自她们住进来之后,我陆续收到其他客人的投诉,先是美国小伙说她们俩半夜不睡觉搞得动静很大,后是楼下加国小胖子跟我说她们每天做饭把整个房子搞得乌烟瘴气,味道难以忍受。那个女儿开始跟她妈妈住一个房间,King size的大床居然睡不下她们娘儿俩,跟她妈妈半夜吵架歇斯底里的哭闹,我提醒她们几次再酱紫就只能请她们搬家了。



    • 小胖子今天早晨给我写的投诉信
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hi,
      I wanted to talk to you on yesterday and last night. The yelling is crazy with the young girl as is the tantrums she is throwing.
      I understand that she has problems but as a mom as I was a father our kids were and are under control they know right from wrong they know it’s not their house so they respect the people and house and go by the rules.
      Last night one of them were in the living room above my room banging on the floor until 5 am and I finally fell asleep only to be woken up at 7:15 am with more noise.
      I understand that she says she can’t find a place but there are a number of air b&b’s out there.
      Also the cooking all hours at 3 am the smell was terrible and they don’t turn on fans.
      I’m sorry to say this all I know yesterday was hard for you especially with the daughter fighting but they are not your responsibility, they pay the rent but should follow the rules and make sure not to make everyone else feel uncomfortable. You are very patient with them and I know most places would have kicked them out for allot less.
      I hope you have a great day更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 小孩子太刁蛮了,不知道是不是富养的结果
      • 青春期失控的例子,有可能穷点就好了,转移了注意力。
        • 我也见过这类女孩子,妈妈爸爸其实都不太管孩子,基本上妈妈都是肉兮兮的性格。
          • 好像是长期缺乏父亲的关爱,妈妈压根就管不住。
            • 这种女孩子迟早作死。
              • 其实蛮可怜的,家教的缺失,过了反叛期有些自己就好了 +1
                • 是挺可怜的。
          • 你说得太对了,她妈就是肉兮兮的,现在她妈根本管不了她
            • 我喜欢观察人性。
    • 原来是客栈佟掌柜,失敬失敬
      • 切,呵呵🤭