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【Old Toy Trains】by 新衣

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Old Toy Trains - nana mouskouri

Old toy trains, little toy tracks,Little toy drums, coming from a sack,Carried by a man dressed in white and red,Little boy don't you think it's time you were in bed?

Close your eyes, listen to the skies,All is calm, all is well,Soon you'll hear Kris Kringle and the jingle bellsBringing old toy trains, little toy tracks, little toy drumsComing from a sack,Carried by a man dressed in white and red,Little boy don't you think it's time you were in bed?

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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 【Old Toy Trains】by 新衣 +6

    Download this audio file


    Old Toy Trains - nana mouskouri

    Old toy trains, little toy tracks,Little toy drums, coming from a sack,Carried by a man dressed in white and red,Little boy don't you think it's time you were in bed?

    Close your eyes, listen to the skies,All is calm, all is well,Soon you'll hear Kris Kringle and the jingle bellsBringing old toy trains, little toy tracks, little toy drumsComing from a sack,Carried by a man dressed in white and red,Little boy don't you think it's time you were in bed?

    • 赞童心未泯,喜欢有思想有个性的唱歌。
      • 谢谢班长! 这首节日歌的确充满童趣 :)
        • 个人演绎也占很大比例,属于再创作
          • 班长果酱了,我这是随意发挥,也许歪打正着 :)
    • 我多听两遍就close my eyes。
      • RIP?LOL
        • 你的想象力一流
      • 哈哈😄,这歌的确有催眠作用,谢谢豆先生听歌!
    • 这首圣诞催眠曲还真是第一次听。节日快乐!
      • 😁,适合睡前听,谢谢琳达! 节日愉快!
    • 没听过呢,新衣这次录音效果很好哦, 👍
      • 我也觉得这次录的杂音很少,还不错😄。谢谢香片! 😊
    • 多么青葱稚嫩的声音👍新衣小朋友你好👌 +1
      • 哈哈😄,谢谢师爷听歌! 装嫩唱童谣是必须的。😂 +1
    • 棒哒哒👍👍👍 +1
      • 谢谢长发哥鼓励! 😊 +1
    • 好有節日氣氛,好聽👍
      • 谢谢过客!节日快乐!
        • 節日快樂!
    • 赞👍👍👏👏👏预祝圣诞快乐!
      • 谢谢听歌! 节日快乐!
    • 清新的嗓音,好听!荡气回肠!
    • 这首圣诞歌我也是第一次听,新衣唱得温馨清新,真好听!啥时来首中文歌啊?记忆中听过你的歌都是e歌呢