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问了一下GPT, 以下是正确答案。UW没有护理专业哈。

University of Waterloo (UW) does not have a traditional nursing program. Instead, it offers a variety of health-related programs through its Faculty of Health, such as Health Studies, Public Health, and Kinesiology. These programs focus on the science of health, healthcare systems, and public health.

In Canada, becoming a family doctor requires completing an undergraduate degree, followed by a medical degree (MD), which typically takes four years. After obtaining the MD, one must complete a residency program in family medicine, which usually takes two years.

Given the information, it seems there may be some confusion or miscommunication. It's possible that the program being referred to at UW might be a Health Sciences or similar undergraduate program that can serve as a strong foundation for applying to medical school afterward. However, it’s not accurate to say that after completing a nursing program and then another two years of study, one can become a family doctor in Canada.

As for Queen's University, it does have a well-established School of Nursing and strong affiliations with healthcare institutions for clinical placements and employment opportunities.

To provide specific guidance:

1. **University of Waterloo**:
- Likely offers a program in Health Studies, Public Health, or Kinesiology.
- These programs can prepare students for further medical education but are not direct pathways to becoming a family doctor without attending medical school.

2. **Queen's University**:
- Offers a Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS) program.
- Has affiliations with hospitals for clinical placements and potential employment.

For becoming a family doctor:
- Complete an undergraduate degree (e.g., in health sciences, life sciences, or nursing).
- Apply to and complete medical school (4 years).
- Complete a residency in family medicine (2 years).

There is no shortcut via nursing to become a family doctor without going through medical school and residency.

If you have more details or specific program names, I can provide more precise information.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 今天听到一个朋友女儿说去University of Waterloo 读护理,这个有人了解吗,好不好的
    • 如果家住Waterloo 就不错,否则就冤了。现在护士是高热的抢手职业,在美加都比码工热100倍。只要读下个本科文凭就能找到好工作。
      college 发的护理本科文凭都很热哦。
      • 为什么要家住WATERLOO? 怎么说
        • 离家近方便啊
    • 不了解,看那个加拿大护理专业麦考林排名,列到20名也没看到UW ,不清楚这个排名客观与否 +2
      前五位是Alberta,UBC,多大McGill 和麦马
      • 护士排名应该不重要,只要拿到licences, 找工作一样 +7
    • 不知道UW 有没有护士专业,如果有,那肯定就有在UW 读的优势。逮着一个UW CS的机会,显然会大很多。
      • 不是护士,是护理专业,她老妈说读完然后再什么两年,就可以做家庭医生的。而且她老妈说QUEEN的护理也录了,而且承诺读完直接进QUEEN附属医院工作,但是小孩选了LOO这边
        • 可能是指nurse practitioner, 有一定的处方权的那种,应该是nurse 读完后的一个program
          • NP要求比这个高 +2


            • 我上面说“应该是nurse 读完后的一个program”,隐含的意思,就是说高中毕业不能直接读这个。
              • 也可能本科读护理,完了再读两年P A。这个可以在医生指导下给病人看病。
                • 我还以为本科护理专业和护士专业是一回事,就是nursing major?
                  • 就是一样的呀
        • 异想天开。 +7
          • 我觉得也是。这么容易做家庭医生那些人为什么还要读health sciences?读完health sciences 也不是个个能做专科。读护士最好的是去多大或TMU 之前有人分析过实习都是好地方。 +1
            • 你得理解某些家长啊。某些家长真的是天天都要跟别人吹捧自家的孩子多么优秀,多么的俊,多么的出类拔萃。 +5
              • 在网上有什么好吹的也不知道真假。在现实生活中吹才有用起码不管别人是真心还是假意还能见到恭维你的人。 +2
                • 我指的是贴主的朋友跟贴主吹捧自家的女儿。
            • 本地女娃确实会把护理当成极好的premed 专业,毕业后一边工作一边申医,经济和时间上都没压力,经历加分。只要矢志不渝,迟早能进去。
              • 你说的同楼上说的读完二年后做家庭医生是一回事?
                • 应该不是,我说的是Health sciences 不是唯一的pre-med 。护理也是很好地pre-med 。家庭医生需要医学院毕业再做完住院医,在美国家庭医生跟专科医生一样需要三年,加拿大二年即可。 +1
        • 护理专业毕业做护士。四年本科分成2段,二年可以拿diploma, 出来做护工。有的大学比如多大只招三年级入学的。护理本科毕业去任何医院工作都抢手。申医有优势,但是也必须达到所有要求。
          • 要是护理专业的话就是又一个吹的,都是护士没啥高低级
            • 中文有护士,护理不同写法,英文都是nursing program.
          • 护工不是PSW?要上二年?
            • 不是,PSW是保姆,进正式养老院好象也得上college, 容易
              • 养老院康复中心很多PSW几个月就毕业了。
            • PSW personal support worker直接翻译就是个人支持工人,中文叫护工,不是护理nursing。
              • 对啊!楼上说是保姆。
          • 纠正一下你的说法。 college两年的是护士, 不是护工。大医院里不少两年的护士。 护工只要半年培训就可以了。 脏乱的活护工做, 护士不做。
            • 中文翻译吧,你说的那个PSW吧,经常叫保姆。楼上貌似有异议。二年大专毕业的在医院工作的护理,不是注册护士的,爱翻译成啥就叫啥吧。
              • 两年毕业的是专科护士,也要考证。在医院里干得活和本科注册护士没什么大的区别。本科护士职责大些,上升空间大,拿个NP, 麻醉助理,做research等前提得是本科护士。国内护士不都是两三年毕业吗?一般PSW翻译成护工 +1
                • 国内医生都是大学本科,护士绝大多数是初中毕业上三年卫校,也有少数高中毕业上的中专和四年本科,比较高级吧
                  • 这是老黄历了。现在国内城市里正规医院的护士本科硕士的很多,本科以下的基本上进不了这样的医院。以前医学院附属的卫校,护士中专等早就改成大学本科护理系了。农村乡镇医院的护士倒是不清楚 +1
                    • 不知道你说的是哪儿,我家二线省会城市,卫校还办得挺红火的。同学的家里有住卫校里的。护士依然地位很低。
                      • 三线城市,单位是省属医学院, +1
                        附属医院是三甲,属省里管。医护基本上都是招聘制了,护士没有本科学历根本进不来。另外本市几家人民医院(市级)也要求本科以上护士。一个熟人的儿媳就是护士,硕士学历,还到伦敦的医院进修一年,这个背景算好的,但也不是顶尖的。邻居家的孩子,本院护理专业本科毕业,祖父母是本院退休医生,父亲也是本单位职工,这样的人脉也无法留在本院,只能去另外一个小一点的城市的医院当护士。L D的一个堂姐倒是中专毕业的市级医院护士,但是是几十年前的事,人都巳经退休几年了。护工要求比较低,下面还有类似于保姆的陪房,由病人家雇用,跟医院没关系。医护的地位不仅不低,还比较高
                        • 进三甲医院竞争激烈,申请的人太多了。就跟有些地方的招中小学老师,应聘者都是名校硕博一样。国内卷得厉害。
                          • 高校多年扩招,
                            各行各业都卷得不行。小城市的街道办都能招到顶尖名校的毕业生,各地为主流的公立医院招到本科护士是小菜一碟,中专护理专业毕业生就只能往下沉,去民营单位,小地方,边远地区,做护工。essential 服务本来就有特殊之处,比如医护要救死扶伤,战士不能临阵脱逃,消防员要迎着火上一样。其他疫情期间发生的荒唐事是由体制里某个群体的人主导的,所有的人在这些人眼里都是鱼肉猪狗,别无二致。医院院长能整医护,学校校长整老师,派出所所长也能整小警员,有啥不同?谁比谁低?
                            • 你的意思是医生跟士兵和小警员应该同样地位? 其实小警员可以随便抓大医生的。算了,另一个世界的东西没法比,太烧脑。
                • 不能跟国内比,国内医护地位都低,护士地位尤其低。不过呢,国内住院是没人照顾的,要不家属照顾,要不花钱请保姆照顾,都是些农村大妈,不识字也能干。 +3
        • 问了一下GPT, 以下是正确答案。UW没有护理专业哈。 +2

          University of Waterloo (UW) does not have a traditional nursing program. Instead, it offers a variety of health-related programs through its Faculty of Health, such as Health Studies, Public Health, and Kinesiology. These programs focus on the science of health, healthcare systems, and public health.

          In Canada, becoming a family doctor requires completing an undergraduate degree, followed by a medical degree (MD), which typically takes four years. After obtaining the MD, one must complete a residency program in family medicine, which usually takes two years.

          Given the information, it seems there may be some confusion or miscommunication. It's possible that the program being referred to at UW might be a Health Sciences or similar undergraduate program that can serve as a strong foundation for applying to medical school afterward. However, it’s not accurate to say that after completing a nursing program and then another two years of study, one can become a family doctor in Canada.

          As for Queen's University, it does have a well-established School of Nursing and strong affiliations with healthcare institutions for clinical placements and employment opportunities.

          To provide specific guidance:

          1. **University of Waterloo**:
          - Likely offers a program in Health Studies, Public Health, or Kinesiology.
          - These programs can prepare students for further medical education but are not direct pathways to becoming a family doctor without attending medical school.

          2. **Queen's University**:
          - Offers a Bachelor of Nursing Science (BNS) program.
          - Has affiliations with hospitals for clinical placements and potential employment.

          For becoming a family doctor:
          - Complete an undergraduate degree (e.g., in health sciences, life sciences, or nursing).
          - Apply to and complete medical school (4 years).
          - Complete a residency in family medicine (2 years).

          There is no shortcut via nursing to become a family doctor without going through medical school and residency.

          If you have more details or specific program names, I can provide more precise information.

          • 那是怎么说
    • waterloo没有护理专业吗,她老妈可以很确定的说读这个,然后哪啥啥两年说就可以做家庭医生
      • 麻烦问她一下专业名称,感兴趣😆
        • 改天碰到她老妈问清楚专业名称
          • 不用问,当成笑话就行。家庭医生怎么当容易查。 +3