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Further details:

[Mentor] 8” x 10” oil on canvas

Mentorship is a cornerstone in the process of becoming a physician. Learning medicine is a long arduous journey that involves as much self-discovery as it does studying facts. Having trusted mentors to offer advice in navigating the nuances, offer encouragement, and provide extra teaching is invaluable. This piece depicts one such mentor gently guiding a resident physician while doing a chest biopsy of a patient in the CT suite.

I am happy to announce that this painting and Sojourner will be displayed at the OSA 2020 Emerging Artist Exhibition at the Queen Elizabeth Cultural Centre in Oakville, Ontario January 11-31, 2020 with the opening reception.

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 贴一张作品给你们。 +11



    • 你家老二的作品?
    • 厉害,呼吁加精。
    • 哇!双修。😂
    • 多才多艺
    • 画的真好!但是,我和画中人一换位思考,就觉得浑身颤抖。哈哈。
    • 👍当医生的儿子的画作?
    • 👍 两个肌肉男 +1
      • 要不然怎么能把病人控制住?想跑?没那么容易。放松点,别害怕。大家都是第一次。
    • 牛👍!那表情AI估计画不出来
    • 牛!有点好奇,医生做手术不带口罩的? +1
    • 看着不像油画?有点水彩,是不是照片水彩画处理? +1
    • 赞👍牛娃啊,多才多艺,
    • Further details: +2

      [Mentor] 8” x 10” oil on canvas

      Mentorship is a cornerstone in the process of becoming a physician. Learning medicine is a long arduous journey that involves as much self-discovery as it does studying facts. Having trusted mentors to offer advice in navigating the nuances, offer encouragement, and provide extra teaching is invaluable. This piece depicts one such mentor gently guiding a resident physician while doing a chest biopsy of a patient in the CT suite.

      I am happy to announce that this painting and Sojourner will be displayed at the OSA 2020 Emerging Artist Exhibition at the Queen Elizabeth Cultural Centre in Oakville, Ontario January 11-31, 2020 with the opening reception.

    • 太厉害了!
    • 👍
    • 太棒了👍
    • 俺看了后偷偷瞄了眼热火朝天打游戏的娃。哎! 。。。。健康开心的活着就好! +1