2.2 Implementing processes
As a SCM tool, ClearCase plays a very important role in software development lifecycle from beginning to the end. Since most of artifacts are version controlled in ClearCase, who can access to certain resources becomes an integral part of many processes. These processes can be a team integration process, or an official build and release process.
For example, we are currently having such a build process in our J2EE development:
1. Any project has code exposed to others will have to put their code in a _Interfaces_src component.
2. A build script will build this component, create a new jar and store it in /bin directory.
3. A new baseline will be created on this component and promotion level will be changed.
To facilitate such a process, some access controls is required:
1. Nobody else except the “build” id can create a new baseline on this project’s integration stream.
2. Nobody else except the “build” id can change the baseline promotion level.
As a SCM tool, ClearCase plays a very important role in software development lifecycle from beginning to the end. Since most of artifacts are version controlled in ClearCase, who can access to certain resources becomes an integral part of many processes. These processes can be a team integration process, or an official build and release process.
For example, we are currently having such a build process in our J2EE development:
1. Any project has code exposed to others will have to put their code in a _Interfaces_src component.
2. A build script will build this component, create a new jar and store it in /bin directory.
3. A new baseline will be created on this component and promotion level will be changed.
To facilitate such a process, some access controls is required:
1. Nobody else except the “build” id can create a new baseline on this project’s integration stream.
2. Nobody else except the “build” id can change the baseline promotion level.