ELI Learning Resources
The lessons on the lexical website have been reorganzied and supplemented so that they mesh more closely with the ELI's IEP framework. As you can see, the navigation bar on the left will help you to find lessons for the skill area you want to work on and will guide you to lessons which are most appropriate for the level you are in.
For each level and each skill area, you will also find a links page which has been organized to provide a selection of external links that teachers often like to recommend to their students.
We hope you find this website useful. Please take a moment to drop us a line if you find any broken links or would like to make any other comments. We appreciate your feedback.
The lessons on the lexical website have been reorganzied and supplemented so that they mesh more closely with the ELI's IEP framework. As you can see, the navigation bar on the left will help you to find lessons for the skill area you want to work on and will guide you to lessons which are most appropriate for the level you are in.
For each level and each skill area, you will also find a links page which has been organized to provide a selection of external links that teachers often like to recommend to their students.
We hope you find this website useful. Please take a moment to drop us a line if you find any broken links or would like to make any other comments. We appreciate your feedback.