今天在看Seinfeld的时候,一对恋人,女的对男的说,You are getting under my skin. 说这话时,她很生气的样子。我就纳闷,这什么意思呢?字典上的解释是:To irritate or stimulate; provoke. :-)
昨天电视新闻里说到Maple Leaf ticket时,用了一个形容词, sticker shock. 当时也没留心。可等一下读报纸的时候又碰到这个短语了。什么意思呢?字典上都查不到。下面是wikipedia上的解释:
Sticker shock is a US term for the feeling of surprise or shock experienced by consumers upon finding unexpectedly high prices on the price tags (stickers) of products they are considering purchasing. The term is commonly thought to have originated with high automobile sticker prices in the U.S. in the late 1970's or early 1980's, as inflation and increasing government regulation of automotive safety and environmental issues greatly increased car prices.
昨天电视新闻里说到Maple Leaf ticket时,用了一个形容词, sticker shock. 当时也没留心。可等一下读报纸的时候又碰到这个短语了。什么意思呢?字典上都查不到。下面是wikipedia上的解释:
Sticker shock is a US term for the feeling of surprise or shock experienced by consumers upon finding unexpectedly high prices on the price tags (stickers) of products they are considering purchasing. The term is commonly thought to have originated with high automobile sticker prices in the U.S. in the late 1970's or early 1980's, as inflation and increasing government regulation of automotive safety and environmental issues greatly increased car prices.