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Work for several monthes should be fine. life is not a straight road

I think education gives you great confidence in North America.
If you carefully select subject and successfully finish your study. You will
lay a very solid background for your future.

Don't be afraid of borrowing money from government etc. You can pay them back easily. The key is to have a goal and achieve it even road is bumpy.

Try to relax and enjoy life. Join in The outtings organized here. It helps you to release the stress among friends.

Try to know Egg, Wjang, Piecse, Wonton Soup.Go out with them then just open your month if you need any help. Don't be shy.

it is easy to live in canada, Just never give up trying. Never.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 刚下决心找个labor工过3年,请教怎样找labor工?其实labor也可以买楼买车,比IT轻松,没有压力,不是吗。
    • Labour 工好找,基本的方式和找IT工作一样。照着报纸的招聘信息打电话,或者去 Job Agents 登个记,最好的还是有朋友推荐。只要不怕苦,工作总是有的。但是Labour 并不轻松,对你的体力和心理都是很大的考验。而且……
      确实我认识的一些做 Labour 工作的人也能买车买楼。但是车在这里就是必要的交通工具,根本不值得提。房可就不简单了,你有多少钱去付首期?你能挣多少去付每个月的按揭?这不光关系到你的居住条件,还关系到下一代在什么样的环境生活。


      • 噢!这样啊!
      • 有道理。如果在加拿大找不到PROFESSIONAL JOB,我宁肯放弃身份去美国或回国!
      • 争取读个学位也不坏, 总不能让自己辛辛苦苦移民的费用打水漂吧. Labor工足够支持读一个学位的.
    • I don't think giving up your profession only for making a living is worthwhile.
      • 但是总要生活啊,现在市场那么不好,谁知道还要多久才能找到工作?
        • You can find a labor job temporarily. However, I suggest you should stick to find you professional position. Don't give up . Of course , attending University is alternate.
        • Work for several monthes should be fine. life is not a straight road
          I think education gives you great confidence in North America.
          If you carefully select subject and successfully finish your study. You will
          lay a very solid background for your future.

          Don't be afraid of borrowing money from government etc. You can pay them back easily. The key is to have a goal and achieve it even road is bumpy.

          Try to relax and enjoy life. Join in The outtings organized here. It helps you to release the stress among friends.

          Try to know Egg, Wjang, Piecse, Wonton Soup.Go out with them then just open your month if you need any help. Don't be shy.

          it is easy to live in canada, Just never give up trying. Never.
          • open your month? or mouth?
    • 打工未尝不可,只是你要保持良好的心情,不然会很累,我猜这里发言的大多没有打过工,不象俺既给别人除过草,又在麦当劳里结结实实地干了8个月。其实只有你自己知道要干什 么,对吗?