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agree to most of the points, and...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I agree with you on most of your points, esp. No. 1.

Rolia is sailor's baby and I am sure he always welcomes and appreciates all participation. But it is not very good to claim it is private property when some conflicts occur. It is privately owned but it is also a public BBS.

On the other hand, I understand those "ban zhu3". They try to maintain a place pleasant for everybody. For some new people, it is SHOCKING to see some disagreement expressed in a not-so-nice way. We should be able to understand their limitation of absorbing those feedbacks. As time goes by, they would be able to get to know more IDs with the assurance that some of them are quite nice people, although they express themselves rather in a straightforward way.

Without diversity, Rolia will lose her charm. Without respect, people will feel offended and reluctant to come.

Sometimes, we need to take it easy.

As a member of rolia, I appreciate everybody's input, especially from those who don't always agree with me. But I will be more appreciated if the disagreement can be expressed in a decent way. If not, I just ignore them. If my mother has difficulty to persuade me, why should I be affected by some impolite posts? ^_^更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 站务管理 / 关于Rolia的一点想法.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. 如果想办一个网站, 斑主们应该不要老把私人财产挂在嘴上, 因为这个私人财产和其他是有很大区别的, 因为它是完全依靠别人的参与才成为真正意义上的财产的, 要不守着一个没人光顾的网站我看主人也不好意思承认这是它的财产. 举个列子吧, 前一段Rolia上有人抱怨限制时间刷新很不方便, 于是马上就有人跳出来指责, 意思就是说这是私人财产, 人家愿意这么干关你啥事. 其实何必呢, 限制刷新就是为了减少流量, 也就是关系到主人的钱包问题, 作为一个非商业的个人网站, 这完全是个站得住脚的道理, 简单解释一下大家都会理解的. 非得气势汹汹地摆出我是主人我爱干嘛就干嘛的架势, 何必呢.

    2. 不要把斑主自己的理念强加与人. 因为网站是对全世界开放的, 懂中文的人都可能是一个参与者. 也许你是个完人, 但不是人人都想像你这样的. 也许你很宽容, 但你不能否认有人爱较个真, 你处事很老成, 但你不能否认有人比较激进. 在家庭中, 你可以你的标准要求你的子女, 但何必要强求在一个虚拟的网络上让来自不同背景, 不同性格, 不同经历的人都来按照你的做人标准来行事呢? 记得前一段有版主帖了个帖子说有人说他们伪善,说这个网站伪善, 有时我觉得是这个感觉. 当然, 话说回来, 这毕竟是个个人网站, 斑主可以有自己的价值观, 那你可以从大方向掌握, 比如你不想谈政治, 宗教等, 你可以限制. 但不应该是看到不合你胃口的发言就咔嚓一刀.

    3. 其实Rolia占了一个很大的先机, 加拿大的生活对新移民来说还是比较枯糙的, 所以他们会在业余时间上网, 还有很多事情对新移民来说都不懂, 所以他们也会上网找答案. 这些照就了Rolia现在的人气. 而且现在也没沙竞争. 我想网站主人既然花了那么多精力金钱在这网站上, 总想能办的更好一点, 最起码也是简历上的厚厚一笔, 但如果想把网站办得更好更大, 就应该改变把网站看成家里客厅的思路和要求其他人和斑主们思路相通的做法. 因为这不像你请几个相投的朋友去家里作客不一样, 这的人可都是不请自来的, 所以肯定不会和你们都相投, 也不会都同意你们的理念, 如果你们不能做到有容乃大的话, 就会发现这网站又回到你们自己的哪个小圈子了.

    4. 如果你们一定想把一个网站办成一个只有宽容, 热爱, 歌舞升平的, 意见统一的网站, 那就当我这些字没打吧. 因为I已经服死了You Guys了.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Right to the point ! 臭豆腐的好文 !
    • Totally Agree! Up!!!!!!!!!!——你要小心了,得罪了板斧,可有你好看的!
    • Right on. Support all.
    • You know how many people left Rolia for reasons you mentioned. I really doubt your words gonna change it. You just don't have any ideas what Sailor is thinking.
      He just have no comments on this issue for a long time. I haven't seen his posters for a while either. He just keeps him away from discussions. I don't know if he has some fun making rolia. But it is all personal things for sure. Maybe one day after you wake up, you can't log on Rolia forever just because he don't want to play anymore.
      He can do whatever he wants here. You like it or not, you have to admit this fact.
      • u r right! at least we respect HIM and HIS rolia!!!!!!!!
      • We'll know if you'd tell us. It'd be a dream of mine one day I could have a BBS site as much fashionable as Rolia however as little private.
    • 明知道说的是废话还是要说,还是豆腐口水多啊!他删他的,我写我的,嘿嘿,互不相干。如果一个坛子没有了del帖子的那点热闹劲,肯定就死定了。各位刀子嘴们,一不小心,都成了版猪的炮灰。哈哈
    • agree to most of the points, and...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I agree with you on most of your points, esp. No. 1.

      Rolia is sailor's baby and I am sure he always welcomes and appreciates all participation. But it is not very good to claim it is private property when some conflicts occur. It is privately owned but it is also a public BBS.

      On the other hand, I understand those "ban zhu3". They try to maintain a place pleasant for everybody. For some new people, it is SHOCKING to see some disagreement expressed in a not-so-nice way. We should be able to understand their limitation of absorbing those feedbacks. As time goes by, they would be able to get to know more IDs with the assurance that some of them are quite nice people, although they express themselves rather in a straightforward way.

      Without diversity, Rolia will lose her charm. Without respect, people will feel offended and reluctant to come.

      Sometimes, we need to take it easy.

      As a member of rolia, I appreciate everybody's input, especially from those who don't always agree with me. But I will be more appreciated if the disagreement can be expressed in a decent way. If not, I just ignore them. If my mother has difficulty to persuade me, why should I be affected by some impolite posts? ^_^更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Thanks for speaking out what I want to say.
    • 今天大伙儿火气都挺大。一些老资格ZZ缺席,大家又少了顾忌。看来平时都有暴力倾向,只是没机会表现罢了。来,给大家火上浇一桶油:呲啦呲啦的。
      • Well done. This is funny. I like that. More gas?
      • 老资格ZZ是什么东西?解释:
        • 老资格ZZ = ZZs, who are 老资格. WHY?