1. books that are too easy for you. 2. just right books . 3. challenging books.
Just right books are those that you understand well and can enjoy. You read the book smoothly and have only a few places where you need to slow down to figure out a word or think about the meaning. These are the books that will help you become a better reader each time you read. Most of the time you should read "just right" books. Challenging books are very difficult for you to read. You have trouble reading many of the words and don't understand most of what you are reading. These are books that are too difficult for you to enjoy right now, but you may find you will enjoy them later.
Just right books are those that you understand well and can enjoy. You read the book smoothly and have only a few places where you need to slow down to figure out a word or think about the meaning. These are the books that will help you become a better reader each time you read. Most of the time you should read "just right" books. Challenging books are very difficult for you to read. You have trouble reading many of the words and don't understand most of what you are reading. These are books that are too difficult for you to enjoy right now, but you may find you will enjoy them later.