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I didn't joke here. This is the underline policy of canada goverment. Think about 200,000 per year. Do you think they can have so much technical job?

In fact, canada need technologist more than high level one. That's why many of us could get technician, technologist, but few get engineers. I want the follower to understand the situation clear. Otherwize, it is pittaz fall from sky.
For all people don't come yet. Understand, canada is capitalism. They give competition enviroment. How, select 2 from 10. That's the rule. For others, low level and general labour. That's it.
So, if you are not the best in china. You didn't look for job before. You can't get promotion in your job. You don't have idea to implement your job.
Consider you as technician as the target, not the engineer level. In that case, you will not dissapointed.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问各位,到加拿大后干labour选择哪个城市好?labour工都好找吗? 我就高中毕业,没指望找个什么好工作,想找个位置出力不知难度系数。有知道的麻烦给透露一下,小弟在这先谢各位了。
    • For labour, Toronto is the best choice.
      • 做labour一年能最少能有多少积蓄?
        • 5,6千$
        • It should depend on how much you spend every month. Usually if you have a job of 7.5/h, you can earn 1000d a month.
          • 除了洗盘子,还有别的什么做吗?
            • 我没有听说谁在洗盘子,好象一般在工厂的不少。前几天有个前辈专门介绍LABOUR的文章可以全面解毒你的疑惑。
              • message#??
                • 请SEARCH lovebeer 的文章!
    • 我们厂在多伦多,时薪10元左右,半年后有医药保险等福利。工作只需力气,不需技术和英语。
      • 你没骗我吧??能具体讲来吗?
        • 给我发个email:yourrollor@yahoo.ca
        • 我在干一小时8CAD的体力活都累的不行!10/H多数人是吃不消的!
          • 一开始确实比较累,光站着就是一大挑战。以后习惯了就好了。其实我觉得最累的活反而最轻松:两耳里轰鸣的都是机器声,脑袋里什么也不用想,双手用力顶住工件,时间一下子就过去了。
            • 档车工,售货员,交警....几乎都有一个职业病,双下肢静脉曲张。因为站的太久~~~~
      • 适合女孩做吗?
      • 我想知道你指的力气活,和国内的民工有多大区别?
        • 纯粹的劳力工作,机械化程度不高,但在法律的保护下,不会是多危险的工作。具体的活有轻有重,但都得站着干。男女都有,绝大多数是来自第三世界的移民,从俄国教授到南亚渔民都有。
          • 中国女孩做这个的多吗?
            • 有,但不多。
          • 做这种工作在心理上和体力上需要承受多大压力?
            • 没法说,因人而易。很多人干个一年半载的就走了,或者找到专业工作了,或者上学去了。也有干了几年的,反正上班就是干活,什么也不用想,下班就去享受,不用进修,也挺舒服。
              • 请问现在请人吗?起薪是10员左右吗?地点在那里?THS
          • up!
    • Mississauga!, not toronto. There are manufacture intersified. you should exercise to handle 25kg , then very easy to get $9 per hour. canada really need man like you
      • I don't think you should say this way. The communist party seldom did some right, but they say many thing right like "Labour is Honorable". To find a job in a new
        country is tough, if you can not help, just keep silence and no one think you are dumb.
        • 你说的对。秦琼尚有卖马时,何况我们这种“八到底”的闯生活的老百姓。
          • 可是一直拿25KG的东西没几个人能吃的消
            • Labor并非一定是提重物。大多数工厂要求应聘工人能提重物,能三班倒,是为了以后管理方便。
        • I didn't joke here. This is the underline policy of canada goverment. Think about 200,000 per year. Do you think they can have so much technical job?
          In fact, canada need technologist more than high level one. That's why many of us could get technician, technologist, but few get engineers. I want the follower to understand the situation clear. Otherwize, it is pittaz fall from sky.
          For all people don't come yet. Understand, canada is capitalism. They give competition enviroment. How, select 2 from 10. That's the rule. For others, low level and general labour. That's it.
          So, if you are not the best in china. You didn't look for job before. You can't get promotion in your job. You don't have idea to implement your job.
          Consider you as technician as the target, not the engineer level. In that case, you will not dissapointed.
          • Maybe in Toronto this is right. But I don't think 200,000 is too much to whole country. The govement will consider the acceptability of the society, and this is less than 1% of tatal population. .
            I hope I can live in Canada like Maladuona, be happy no matter I am an engineer or labour. In the mean time we need to travel to other city if there would be an opportunity.
            Most of all, who is more happier? labours or engineers? This is hard to say and depend on each individual, but happiness should be the right things we are expected.
            So the right attitude should be welcome the Chinese new comers after warning them the hard situation in short term.
            • many old people will retire in the comming years.1% still not enough! Canada need new immigrants to pay the tax and feed the retire people.