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For your reference.

Immigration Section, Canada Embassy , Beijing
My application file number is
Per your request, I mailed the origianl copy of my Household Registration, Marriage Certificate to your office in April, 2000. (See the attached letter for the requirments). But I received your request of updating my No Cirminal Conviction Notarization this May with in 35 days. But I need my Household Registration to to do the No Criminal Notarization. Could you please mail me my certificates ASAP back to followed address, Thanks.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请各位帮我翻译一下,很急很急.谢谢! 加拿大北京移民局. 我的档案号码是 因应贵局的要求,我与2000年4月将户口本正本,结婚证正本等寄到了贵局.(付 要求邮寄的信件).但我于本年的5月收到了贵局的要求重新办理无犯罪证
    因应贵局的要求,我与2000年4月将户口本正本,结婚证正本等寄到了贵局.(付 要求邮寄的信件).但我于本年的5月收到了贵局的要求重新办理无犯罪证明.但需要户口本的正本.因贵局给我的时间是35天内.请贵局收到信后尽快将我的户口本正本寄回以下地址.谢谢.
    • For your reference.
      Immigration Section, Canada Embassy , Beijing
      My application file number is
      Per your request, I mailed the origianl copy of my Household Registration, Marriage Certificate to your office in April, 2000. (See the attached letter for the requirments). But I received your request of updating my No Cirminal Conviction Notarization this May with in 35 days. But I need my Household Registration to to do the No Criminal Notarization. Could you please mail me my certificates ASAP back to followed address, Thanks.
      • 你真是个好同志。
        • 乡下来的,没办法。
        • 值得表扬!!!
      • thanks so much ! good man have a good day!