A scientist, in a broad sense, is one engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge. In a more restricted sense, a scientist is an individual who uses the scientific method.[1] The person may be an expert in one or more areas of science.
喔,是这样啊,光辉的科学家们比鸡毛还多囖。NATURE about Fang: As an outsider,trained as a biochemist but turned science writer and commentator... -statstar(tiger); 11.14 09:35 (#7898942@0) reply
俺刚刚GOOGLE了一下,看到了一篇报道(有链接)。针对方的主题:1中国科普作家,2《自然》杂志和英国科普组织Sense About Science联合评选,3关键贡献---打中医或中西结合之医的假,4开了个批评论坛。以上这些都是俺鼓励的哈。咳,可怜的粉丝啊。