工作学习 / 外语学习 / 这英语越学越糊涂了。“The central bank needs be careful not to freak out the market when it eventually starts to unwind. ” “needs" 后面不需要"to" 吗?感觉不需要,可按中国的语法教学似乎要的啊。
我觉得这句话是很正常的, 不知为什么会有疑问. 强调的是not to. 可以问问你们公司英语好的看他们怎么说.
你是不是想说,“The central bank needS ... not to freak out the market when it eventually starts to unwind. ”?可是因为有了s,应该就是regulare verb,是不是应该 “Does not need ... to freak out...”
My personal understanding as follows—— need 有时用作普通动词,例如:She needs to know (她需要知道),She doesn't need to know (她不需要知道)。有时 need 用作情态动词,例如:She need know, She needn't know 或更为正式的说法:She need not know。
你个人的"感觉"一点也不重要,这是个语法问题,有根据可循的。对need的用法,I need not ask anyone. I don't need to ask anyone. There is no need for me to ask anyone. ....
如果你想说 "central bank 没必要 freak out" , 是应该用"need not freak out". 但这里要说的不是那个意思, 而是相反的 "central bank 应该小心, 不要freak out" , 强调的是不应该freak out, not是修饰'freak out", 看这个Link