If you continue bullying, I have no choice but to find all means to cease your activities. Please govern yourself accordingly.
If you respect others, they will respect you. If you keep acting as an unfaithful don, I'll beat you up.
If you respect me, I will respect you a lot more in return. If you choose to be mouthy, then you are not gonna like how this ends (or whatever comes out of my mouth is not gonna be pretty).
以上建议,也是俺对外语坛网友的建议。俺在这里是天天讲月月讲年年讲,大家若能领会,定会事一尺而功一丈 (绝不只是 a lot more)。
I can't agree with you more, wincity. Besides, the tone of the original sentences is gone. When hearing this, I won't feel like being threatened, but will take this as a joke and make fun of it.
再加一个准错误: choose to be 不直接,没有必要,而且减弱语气。小C的英文很好,但是这种文绉绉的倾向也很明显。
What to say? "Shut the hell up?"; "Next time see you, I will beat the sh** out of you?"
其实就是 i won't be nice,或者 don't say i‘m nasty。你说的这些意思,原文不一定有。你原来的翻译,have no choice but to find all means to cease your activities,象律师说话似的,日常生活中不可能有的。另外你愿翻译的意思,原文也不一定有。
I think this is not about who is better or who is correct. What matters the most is to figure out a better way to translate these sentences.
It doesn't mean that one has to decide which version to choose. It is simply not a matter of choosing either this or that.
BTW, there is a popular saying among professional translators. It is something like "Translators, traitors."
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. Facts speak louder than words.
(#8238709@0 ) 你要是不知道fool是什么意思, 最好查查字典. 常用词, 偏中性. You also need to learn more idioms and phrases instead of doing what you are doing to me. You then may make progress faster...
check your PM.
俺这么说:You scratch my back I'll scratch yours!If you talk nonsense, you'll have to eat crow!『你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈;你若胡言乱语,别怪我不客气』
俺还这么说过:You scratch my back I'll scratch yours!If you talk nonsense, you'll face the music!也有类似『你敬我一尺,我敬你一丈;你若胡言乱语,别怪我不客气』之功效。
哥我书念得少,没见过英文里用inch和foot表达容忍度,直译八成把老外搞糊涂,神探的较好,但太俚语而且最好不用"如果...将,...如果不...将..."直白点,我会说Enough is enough, if you be nice with me, I will be more than nice with you, otherwise....接下来看情景说
如果是警告,可说you will get all your payback (if you keep taking nonsence).
若是吵架,可加粗,比如you will get your fxxking shxt back..
如果是在职场,可说I will definitely raise case to xxx,按process给出底线, 否则到时上面查下来,你的警告会被认为是制造conflict的一个原因,甚至变成是恐吓。
"what(ever) goes around comes around". Bear in mind the exact message you want to send always depends on a lot of factors such as context, tone, circumstances, audience...