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语言是不断evovle的。大时代不讲,不同年龄,身份,个性,学历的人在不同的场合说话用词也会有多少差别。It is I很少会有人说,谁可能说?年纪大老派学究的。爱古典文艺腔的。去年showtime有个热剧。Masters of Sex, based a on true story.

背景是50年代末,美国private research university, Washington University in St. Louis大学医学院. Dr. William Masters请了个女秘书Virginia Johnson协助他做一项秘密研究。Virginia是音乐系的university dropout,非常聪明能干。Dr要提拔她做research assitant,让她找人替任秘书。结果,Dr出于对Virginia的微妙感觉,对谁都不满意。Virginia说:I will find you a secretary better than me. Dr 正色:better than I. Virginia说:Fine, better than I, who knows the differences and cares. (大意).

Dr. Williams 10几年前死了,Virginia去年去世。

又过了50年,现在的医生估计自己也说better than me,至少不会觉得秘书说better than me有什么问题。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 为什么"it is I " 更正式?其语法根据是,be 是系动词,不能带宾语,只能带表语,而 me 是宾格,所以要用 "I " . 虽然口语中说it's me的频率要高得多,不等于it's I 就没人说。尤其是在写正式文章报告时,本地人绝不会对it's I 大惊小怪。
    • 我没啥语法知识,我基本靠语感,读起来顺就用。本地人也差不多靠语感。他们讲不出语法大理论。 -skatingcat(呼啦啦); 6.9 16:41 (#8812949@0)
    • 学英语不要纠结对错,多读多听就行了。如果你多读多听,你就知道没有人说 it‘s I,无论它是不是更对。 -wincity(红卫兵); 6.9 21:56 (#8813642@0)
      • 兵哥和酱油哥blend一下就好了, 我觉得你们俩是两个极端。
        • No, seriously..
          They are what they are just like you are what you are. haha..

          I thought, their blend is you, isn't it? hahaha...

          oops, I mean, I think...
          • Thanks a lot. I feel flattered. I wish.
            • 一点都不极端。相反,我的方法是学语言唯一正确的方法。中国人学英语,语法已经足够用了,再花任何时间都是浪费。时间浪费了,语感还是不在,就像酱油哥一样。结果还是要多读多听练语感
              • "唯一正确"! Love it! You rock!
                • thank you!
                • LOL
      • By not having heard 'it's I" at all, you don't really seem to have as much exposure to English language as you always strut.
    • +1! "It's I..." 太正式了,不大会出现在日常口语里,可能会出现在打官司的时候?
    • 同意白鹿兄。It's I是绝对正确的用法。口语用It's I绝对无可厚非,虽然口语里It's me多见一些。
    • 语言是不断evovle的。大时代不讲,不同年龄,身份,个性,学历的人在不同的场合说话用词也会有多少差别。It is I很少会有人说,谁可能说?年纪大老派学究的。爱古典文艺腔的。去年showtime有个热剧。Masters of Sex, based a on true story.
      背景是50年代末,美国private research university, Washington University in St. Louis大学医学院. Dr. William Masters请了个女秘书Virginia Johnson协助他做一项秘密研究。Virginia是音乐系的university dropout,非常聪明能干。Dr要提拔她做research assitant,让她找人替任秘书。结果,Dr出于对Virginia的微妙感觉,对谁都不满意。Virginia说:I will find you a secretary better than me. Dr 正色:better than I. Virginia说:Fine, better than I, who knows the differences and cares. (大意).

      Dr. Williams 10几年前死了,Virginia去年去世。

      又过了50年,现在的医生估计自己也说better than me,至少不会觉得秘书说better than me有什么问题。

      • 哟,这个不错。
        • 这剧有点意思。老美做研究真严谨啊。
      • 我工作时常要打电话,当说完may I speak to •••••.",有 时会听到对方回应:yes this is he......(instead of him).
        • Is it a call center environment?
          • Nice try.
            • What is it then?
        • Right. ``This is he or she `` is commonly used in phone conversation.
          • Obviously it's not the case for quite a few IDs here.
            • what do you mean???? you are mean.
              • Has he ever not been so?
                • I don't know. I ain't know nothing. -icespeeder(Speeder On Ice) :DDDDDD
                  • If
                    there is only one who knows everything it must be me and it has to be me. Ha ha ha
                    • ha
                      you forget something: noobody is perfect !
                      • Yes,
                        except me. ha ha ha
                        • en, got it. I am what I am :DDDD
                    • 这里的me,是虚指,不是指说话者。
                      • :DDDD
          • I asked one of my coworkers last month, "who was looking for me?". He answered "oh it was I"
    • Who loves thee? It's I . Who do you love? It's me.