大上次,公司搞圣诞爬梯,请了著名主持人和魔术师来捧场,很是精彩。第二天喝茶的时候我见到这位同事A,我说昨天的表演太精彩了。同事A说他根本没去。当然这都是英文说的。然后我嘴欠说了一句,What a shame! 同事A楞了两秒,瞅着我一字一顿地说,Maybe you do, but I don't feel ashamed if I don't go to company party! 然后拂袖而去。我当场傻眼,呆若木鸡。
过完新年,有一天开会讨论问题。就某个方案大家发表意见。同事A说完了,我不大同意他的观点,但是我明白他为什么提出这个观点。于是我说,A, I see where you're coming from. But this solution seems.... 同事A非常激动地打断我的话,对我大声说 Of course you know where I'm from. You are from the same country as me! 整个会场不光是我,所有的人都十分惊诧。
这就是嘴欠造成的后果,我把同事A彻底得罪了。其实我为什么要说“what a shame",说”what a pity“不就没事了。也用不着说”I see where you are coming from",直接说“I understand why you think that way",屁事不会有。
Here is one of your faults --- it appears that you didn't do anything to clear up the misunderstandings, though it seems that you KNOW what goes wrong during your conversations with A.
I'm a wolf, and I can see clearly what's going on among a flock of sheep. LOL