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相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我的想法,希望有人帮帮我。我在苏州,正在等LP,想去办活护照,旅行社的人讲,儿子(5岁)也需单独的护照,也需出去旅行,我觉得一家3口出去费用太大,几乎1500美金,可以在加生活2个月。所以决定办移民护照,请过来人指点一下,主要不想让单位知道(原因是房子)。
No pain no gainIt's impossible to secret your immigration because you need the signature of your company to get the passport. So no pain no gain. Though you choose the immigration, don't look back. The house you will own is much better than the current one. Not only this but many other things will go better. Anyway, it's up to you and good luck for you.