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相约北美 / 移民留学 / 是不是只有超级大牛才能找到工作?看招聘网站有感~~~~随便看了几个网站,好象招聘的职位不少,待遇也还不错,可是看看要求的技能,会...会...会....会....几乎任何一个职位都罗列出一堆来,而列出的这几项,如果真的精通某一项,就已经很厉害了,怎么可能全都精通呢?如果不要求精通,那达到怎样的水平就可以说自己会....了?
Those employers always hope they can find somebody who is able to handle everything and work for free...If you have experience of a certain skill, you can list it in your resume.
For some technical stuff, if you only learn it and haven't practiced it in a real project, don't add it to your resume.
e.g. I learned Cobal, Fortran, Pascal.... in university but never developed any project with them, so I don't write them down.