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工作学习 / 外语学习 / 有没有一个好点的 term 形容 first language is not English 的人, Non-English speaker, Non-Native Speaker? 我还需要用一个 term 形容 English-speaker and Non-English-speaker,有吗?我主要是觉得 Non-English speaker 好像不太准确,因为 strictly speaking, they speak English, but English is not their first language
hmm, that might be a good idea. let me clarify a bit more. I just did an experiment, and surprisingly, I found a difference between English-speakers and non-English-speakers. Now I am writing up a paper...the issue I am having is, when I report the data, can I say those are ESL participants? they are not ESL students, some of them are graduate students, some of them are undergrad
somehow I feel ESL means ESL students... :(
maybe ESL is a good choice, anyway
native English speaker, non native Engllish speaker (ESL)