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工作学习 / 外语学习 / 不该笑的时候千万别笑
想起个我经历的,真实故事。It's almost Christmas time. Our pretty blond secretary was decorating a Christmas tree. One guy volunteered to help. He put some ribbons and ornaments on.
After a while the secretary laughed:"Are you color blind? That doesn't match and looked awful!"
The guy was a little hesitated and said "yes, I am.... Sorry...." The office was in silence for a second. Then I couldn't hold it any moreand busted in laughing.
跟俺昨天的遭遇差不多。。。。有势力人士为铁板横刀立马。。。。把俺的贴扔了一地。。。。连个招呼也不打。。。。最后铁板站在俺后背上发誓:从此为他两肋插刀 -tyra(Zara); 12.15 16:32 (#7146662@0) reply more。。。。呵呵。。。。