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相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问有没有三月份考IELTS,现在已收到免面试通知的?着急呀!
Hi, friend,
I have taken IELTS on March 18, But I have not got interview announcement. Wait paicent.
Hi, friend,
I have taken IELTS on March 18, But I have not got interview announcement. Wait
Thanks, friend. I feel a little bit better now. Hope we can get it ASAP. Where have you taken the IELTS? Guangzhou or ...?
I took IELTS in April at GZ but no letter yet. My friend took it in May at GZ and got a letter saying that the test resulst was received but an interview was needed. If you don't receive such a letter, there is still chance you can get a waiver. ;-)
Sorry, mistyping -- my friend took test in March. Usually it took 2-3 months to get a notice.
Hi, sorry to be late to answer as I made a business travel last week.I made IElTS in Wuhan.But no further information now,when you have any, give me a message.
Hi, I had the test in Shenzhen. Is CCPE result a must for the case?I have not transfered the CCPE result to the Immi office, since I applied it in March, and told by the CCPE people that the result will be sent out at the end of June. Will it be the reason why I still have not get any information?